
Wednesday 2 September 2020

DD FREE DISH KAISE LAGAYE डी डी फ्री डिश कैसे लगाए

डीडी फ्री डिश DD FREE DISH क्या है? इसका मूल्य कितना है?

DD FREE DISH KAISE LAGAYE डी डी फ्री डिश कैसे लगाए

डीडी फ्री डिश DD FREE DISH क्या है

“डीडी फ्री डिश”DD FREE DISH सरकार द्वारा प्रसारित मुफ्त के चैनलों का आनंद लेने के लिया हैं। इसमें आपको किसी भी प्रकार का शुल्क नहीं देना होता। आप मुफ्त में बहुत सारे चैनलो का आनंद लेते हैं।

इसमें किसी भी प्रकार का शुल्क नहीं देना होता। इसलिए फ्री डिश बनाने के लिया कोई एक मुख्य कंपनी नहीं हैं। इसमें बहुत तरह की निजी कंपनी हैं।

 जो फ्री डिश के डब्बे (सेट टॉप बॉक्स ) में अतिरिक्त विकल्प (फीचर) देकर कंपनी इसके कीमत की दरों को निर्धारित करती हैं। अगर आपके पास पहले से ही कोई भी डिश लगी हैं। 

तो आप सिर्फ डब्बा बदल कर फ्री डिश का आनंद ले सकते हैं। जिसके न्यूनतम कीमत ५०० रूपए हैं। और अधिकतम जिसमे पूरा सेट मिलेगा। एंटीना के साथ डब्बा भी उसकी कीमत लगभग १२०० से दो या तीन हजार के लगभग होगी।

डी डी फ्री डिश DD FREE DISH  न केवल निम्न वर्ग की अपितु माध्यम वर्ग की भी पसंद बनता जा रहा है | इसकी लोकप्रियता दिन प्रति दिन बढती ही जा रही है |डी डी फ्री डिश DD FREE DISH  के दर्शक लगातार तेज़ी से बढ़ रहें हैं तथा लोग इसे लगाने का सुझाव भी दुसरे लोगो को दें रहे हैं |

 डी डी फ्री डिश DD FREE DISH  के चैनल सभी तरह के आयाम समेटे हुए हैं तथा सभी प्रकार के चैनल उपलब्ध होने के कारण यह एक गुलदस्ता सा बन गया है | डी डी फ्री डिश DD FREE DISH  अब लोगो को आकर्षित कर रही है तथा अपना दीवाना बना रही है | 

डी डी फ्री डिश DD FREE DISH  की लोकप्रियता का अंदाज़ा इस बात से लगे जा सकता है की डी डी के प्लेटफार्म पर चैनल जुड़ने के लिए ऊँची से ऊँची बोली लगा रहे हैं तथा चैनल्स में डी डी फ्री डिश से जुड़ने की होड़ सी मची है | 

सभी चैनल इससे जुड़ना चाहते हैं | डी डी फ्री डिश DD FREE DISH  के दर्शकों की संख्या अन्य dth प्रदाताओं से कहीं अदिक है तथा ये सबसे ज्यादा दर्शक वाली dth सेवा बन गयी है | डी डी फ्री डिश के दर्शको की संख्या में ये इजाफा पिछले कुछ वर्षो में हुआ है | हालाकि दूरदर्शन ने इस और ध्यान नहीं दिया था परन्तु दर्शको की संख्या में भारी इजाफे के कारण अब dth दूरदर्शन के लिए एक महत्वपूर्ण इकाई के रूप में उभरा है |

इस बात का अंदाज़ा इस बात से भी लगाया जा सकता है की सभी बड़े चैनल के फ्री चैनल अब डी डी फ्री डिश पर उपलब्ध हैं तथा वे इस चीज़ का प्रचार भी खूब कर रहे हैं | मसलन सोनी का चैनल सोनी पल डी डी फ्री डिश पर है इसके अलावा जी टीवी के चैनल जी अनमोल और जी स्माइल तथा जी इ टी सी बॉलीवुड भी डी डी फ्री डिश पर उपलब्ध है | 

स्टार का स्टार उत्सव भी इस पर उपलब्ध है इसके अलावा कई बड़े चैनल जैसे बिग टीवी , abp न्यूज़ , न्यूज़ नेशन, इंडिया टीवी , 9 अक्स ऍम , इंडिया न्यूज़, लाइव इंडिया, जी पंजाबी , आस्था चैनल , आस्था भजन, साधना टीवी तथा इसके अलावा भी बहुत से चैनल डी डी फ्री डिश पर उपलब्ध हैं |

 ये संख्या निकट भविष्य में और अधिक बढ़ने की उम्मीद है |
यक़ीनन यह कहा जा सकता है कि डी डी फ्री डिश का भविष्य सुनेहरा है तथा निकट भविष्य में यह अन्य dth सेवा प्रदाताओं को कड़ी टक्कर देगा | फ्री होने के कारण सेवा लोगों में अपनी अलग जगह बना रही है |

 डी डी फ्री डिश अब लोगों में अपनी गहरी छाप छोड़ रही है तथा लोगो के मनोरंजन का एक सुलभ जरिया भी बन रही है | यह सेवा पूरे देश भर में उपलब्ध है | भले ही वह पहाड़ी इलाका हो या कोई दुर्गम क्षेत्र |

DD FREE DISH KAISE LAGAYE डी डी फ्री डिश कैसे लगाए 

हलाकि डिश को घुमाने की प्रक्रिया जटिल है पर अगर आप जानते हैं की डिश को कैसे घूमना है तो आप आसानी से कर सकते हैं अन्यथा आप किसी भी फ्री डिश के डीलर से संपर्क कर सकते है 

ताकि वो आपकी डिश को 93.5 से घुमाकर 94.2 डिग्री पूर्व पर सेट कर दे । इसके लिए वो आपसे मामूली शुल्क 100 ..200 रु ले सकता है। डिश की दिशा बदलने के बाद सेट टॉप बॉक्स की सेटिंग में 22K feature को automatic पर सेट करे तथा फिर से ऑटो स्कैन करें । FTA चैनल ही सर्च करे । 

अब आप देख सकते हैं करीब 100 टीवी चैनल बिलकुल मुफ़्त। अधिक जानकारी के लिए निचे बॉक्स में अपने प्रश्न लिखें।
डी डी फ्री डिश अब अपने प्लेटफार्म पर अधिक चैनल देने की प्रक्रिया पूरी करने में कदम उठा रहा है | 

अब डी डी फ्री डिश पर नए चैनल का आनंद उठाना हुआ आसन , बस लगाये फ्री डिश और जुड़े रहे मनोरंजन के संसार से सीधे | डी डी फ्री डिश बनकर उभरा है नया विकल्प उन लोगों के लिए जिनके पास मासिक शुल्क अदा करने के लिए अधिक धन नहीं है | 

इसके अतिरिक्त भी लोग अब डी डी फ्री डिश को चुनने के लिए यह भी सुझाव दे रहे हैं की यदि आपके घर में एक से अधिक टीवी हैं तो आप अपने मासिक केबल शुल्क को घटा सकते हैं | 

इससे मासिक शुल्क से बचत होने का एक अच्छा विकल्प मन जा रहा है | लोग अब डी डी फ्री डिश को एक अच्छा विकल्प देखते हैं बनिस्पद केबल टीवी और अन्य dth साधनों के मुकाबले |

Tuesday 25 August 2020

Parasnath cloth drying stand Review and features

Parasnath began as a housewares design company over 3 years ago with a core goal in mind- to offer innovative storage products for the home at a reasonable price.

We design products that provide solutions for organising your everyday living space. Our product solutions are designed for the bathroom, home, kitchen, pantry, closet, laundry room and more.
Intermixing trending fashions with durability and functionality are what we bring forward in our collections.
Parasnath brings to this retractable cloth drying stand to relive you from all the cloth drying woes. The stand features multiple stands to dry your apparel, intimates and other cloth items within the comfort of your home, It is made from steel

Strong and Durable

Strong and durable tubular construction made of polypropylene copolymer, plastic coated steel pipe with a heavy frame design to stay with you for a very long time. The cloth dryer can be adjusted to stand against wall in half on lesser load or full with maximum load. The multiple folding arms makes in versatile and easy to use. There are additional arms for hanging clothes in a hanger. The hanger can be fixed in the holder of the extended arm. It is an essential product for every house hold with multiple usage.

Accordion Style Design

Parasnath cloth drying stand features an accordion style design which can be raised and expanded into an upright position and hooked up to secure and lock it in place.

Colour Wheels Comes with Break System

Easy to move with 6 caster wheels even on full load include 2 break lock wheel . Castors also protects floor from scratches. These wheels are mounted inside a housing, with a special bearing that created less friction while moving the rack as well as they ensure a smooth 360degree range of motion and rotation. This makes the movement of the rack very easy without the rack chassis needing to change direction.

Space Saving

The size is such that it can easily fit in a corner of your living room, bathroom or your balcony. The cloth drying stand can be retracted and disassembled when not in use. this makes it easy to use and store when you have a space crunch in your home.

Parasnath Prime Hi-Quality Clothes Rack

This is a high-quality clothes rack for hanging wet clothes. Wet clothes tend to get heavy when they have soaked up a lot of water. This rack is sturdy and is made from durable steel and can take the weight of heavy wet clothes. Keep it in your balcony for drying your laundry. And if you do not have a space like a balcony for drying clothes, you can use this rack in your rooms.
Unique Multi Structure Design
Unique multi structure design for modern house. The strong durable rods provide plenty of hanging space conducive to adequate air flow for faster drying. The metal rack is waterproof coated providing a clean appearance while helping to eliminate odors, stains and mildew. When you are finished with drying the clothes he rack can quickly be folded flat for compact storage in a closet or next to your washing machine ready to be used after your next wash.

Saturday 22 August 2020

How To Use Instagram IGTV In Mobile

How To Use Instagram IGTV  In Mobile 

As all of you realize that today Instagram is an extremely well known Social Media Android App and a huge number of crores of individuals are utilizing this application. Be that as it may, prior you could transfer/share just your photographs and as long as 15 second recordings on Instagram, however now you will have the option to transfer over 1 Hour recordings on it due to Instagram IGTV Feature. 

This is on the grounds that like other internet based life systems, Instagram additionally needs to build its prevalence, as Facebook and YouTube are exceptionally well known in India today since individuals share amusing recordings on them and everybody likes to watch such recordings. it occurs. Along these lines, Instagram has likewise propelled Instagram IGTV to make this component accessible.

How Instagram IGTV Works 

Presently we should discuss how this Instagram IGTV Feature functions, let us reveal to you that it works simply like a YouTube channel, much the same as you can make a channel on YouTube and transfer your recordings there simply like that You can likewise make your channel on Instagram IGTV App and transfer your recordings on it. 

Presently here come two inquiries 

01. How might you get this component? 

Let us disclose to you that you can download and introduce the Instagram IGTV App and this application is accessible for both Android and iOS yet on the off chance that you are as of now utilizing Instagram, at that point you ought to download the Instagram IGTV App. There is no compelling reason to open your Instagram account, at that point you will discover a 'television' Icon on the upper right half of the screen, by tapping on which you will have the option to utilize Instagram IGTV on your Instagram account itself.

02. What sort of recordings can be transferred on this Instagram IGTV App? 

First we should discuss class, at that point you can transfer any classification recordings on Instagram like News, Tech, Health, Education and so on. With this, we can disclose to you that you can transfer just and just Portrait recordings on Instagram IGTV App. 

The significance of Portrait Video is that you can say a video that plays on the telephone on full screen, as YouTube, you don't have to turn the screen as should be obvious in the picture above. 

Why transfer Portrait Videos to Instagram IGTV? 

Presently the inquiry additionally comes that why just recordings with Portrait View can be shared on Instagram, dislike 1080 * 720 quality recordings in any case the response to this inquiry is that as of late found in research done by Facebook It is that individuals like to watch Portrait recordings since they don't have to pivot Android Phone to watch, because of which individuals are likewise ready to watch recordings.

Since Instagram is an Android App and everybody utilizes it on Android Phones just, this is the explanation that Instagram has permitted just Portrait Videos in its Feature Instagram IGTV. 

Step by step instructions to make a record on Instagram IGTV Feature 

There are two different ways to make a record on Instagram IGTV Feature - 01. through Android App and the other through PC (Computer)/Laptop, so we will figure out how to make a record through these two. 

Step by step instructions to make Instagram IGTV Feature Account on Android Phone 

To make a record on Instagram IGTV Feature, most importantly you open Instagram IGTV Feature App or your Instagram App on your Android Phone.

As your account is already registered and if there is no login then once you login, then after opening Instagram, you will get an Icon like Right Hand Side TV in the top of your account, as shown in the image above. has gone. By clicking on this icon, you can go to Instagram IGTV Feature.

On opening the Instagram IGTV highlight, there are a few recordings and classes of recordings, for example, For You, Following and Popular, you get the Icon of Setting simply over these classifications, you click on the Icon of that setting.

Presently another spring up window will open on your screen, where you get the alternative of Create Channel and Cancel.

You click on the Icon of Create Channel, presently Instagram will open another screen before you, where you will get the choice of Create Your Channel and you will get a catch of the following just underneath, you click on the Button of that next, etc. Some different Screens will likewise be accessible, for example, Share Longer Video and Build for Vertical Option.

In the Build for Vertical Page you get the catch of Create a Channel, you click on it and your Instagram IGTV Feature Account becomes Create.

Wondershare Filmora Review In English

Wondershare Filmora Review In English

Wondershare Filmora Review
Wondershare Filmora Review

Friends, first of all let us tell you that Wondershare is a company that has created Filmora Video Editing Software and this software is best for all those who want to become their Career on YouTube.

The best thing about this software is that in this you also get a Screen Recorder, so that you can easily create a Tutorial by recording the screen of your computer or laptop. Now, let's talk about why this software is best for YouTube.

Let us tell you that Filmora Wondershare Video Editing Software for YouTube is the best for many reasons, first of all is its interface, which is very simple and secondly in this software you get all the things that you want your video to be very He can improve by giving a professional look.

So let us know in a little detail about Filmora Wondershare Video Editing Software, and see how you get the features in this software, what you can do with them, and how you can give a professional look to your video.

Filmora Wondershare Video Editing Software Features


In Filmora Video Editing Software you are given different timelines for all your Objects (Video, Images and Audio), so that you can manage all your Objects properly, so that you can Align all the things in your Video. By creating a Perfect Looking Video.

Preview screen
In Filmora, you get a preview screen in which you can understand the changes that are happening in your video. The best thing about this preview screen is that you can play it in full screen as well, so that when you feel that your video is complete edit, then you can watch it first by playing your video in full screen.

Inside the media are all your objects, which you bring inside the software from your computer / laptop. Like suppose you need many videos to edit a video and if you want to put some images too, then you can import them into the software.

Filmora offers you 50 copyright free music in Music Option, which you can use in your videos.

Text / Credit
In this option, you are given different types of text fonts and styles, which are completely customizable. Which you can use on Video in Starting, Middle, Title, End and Bottom.

Even in Transaction, Filmora gives you a lot of variety, so that you can customize the style of your images and videos. With the help of these Transaction, you can show your video differently by putting your video in the starting and end.

You get this feature only in big video editing software, but here you can find it in Filmora as well, the most important thing about this feature is that by using them, you can completely customize the look of your video to a large extent professional Can make

Overlay is used to add effects to video, in Filmora you get a lot of great overlay which by using it you can give a very good look to your video.

In Elements, you get a lot of Elements like Text, Symbols, Emoji etc. which you can apply on your Video, the best thing about them is that you can customize them according to your Video.

 Wondershare Filmora Review

Friday 21 August 2020

How to increase website traffic in English 2020

Is it accurate to say that you are worried about your site traffic? Indeed, even you have utilized practically all the strategies yet there was no advantage. 
How to increase website traffic in English 2020
How to increase website traffic in English 2020

Try not to stress… here I will reveal to you how to expand site traffic

Making a blog is simple yet it is extremely hard to carry traffic to it. Be that as it may, this work isn't so troublesome. You can without much of a stretch increment your blog and site traffic through quality substance, right SEO, content showcasing, backlinks, advancement and so on. 

In this article, I will reveal to all of you the stunts that I use to expand my blog traffic.

Why site traffic is significant 

Traffic is significant for the development of the site. Basically, traffic to the site resembles petroleum. As your traffic expands, your image mindfulness increments. 

It gathers data about the guest (ie what the guest needs to peruse) and helps in settling on right choices. 

Your SEO and web index believability improves. 

This expands the changes rate and aides in getting more clients. 

To gain well from Adsense. 

Site traffic is critical to get these advantages.

Are all Website Traffic the equivalent? 

The appropriate response is - no… 

Site traffic originates from various sources, areas and gadgets. Indeed, even from various programs. 

for instance, 

On the off chance that individuals type site address in their program to visit your site, at that point it is called direct traffic. The explanation is that these individuals have gone legitimately to Aki site. 

Yet, on the off chance that you get traffic to your site from Google Searches, at that point it will be called natural traffic. 

There are 5 hotspots for site traffic:

Social traffic

Natural inquiry traffic

Direct traffic

Other traffic

Referral traffic 

Social traffic: As its name proposes, the traffic originating from online life stages is called social traffic. 

Natural hunt: This is traffic from web indexes. Furthermore, it is viewed as the best traffic. 

Direct traffic: When guests type a site address to visit a site, it is called direct traffic. 

Other traffic: In Google Analytics, this traffic isn't perceived by Google's default framework and shows as other traffic. 

Referral traffic: It sends guests from one site to different destinations. At the point when a guest taps on the hyperlink and visits the new site, referral traffic is thought of. 

So we should begin how to build site traffic…

You don't need to be a specialist in copywriting and SEO to build your site traffic. Just you need to deal with some extraordinary angles. Whom I have depicted underneath. 

1. Distribute Quality Content 

This is the first and essential advance to build site traffic. The explanation is that your substance won't be valuable to the guest and in the event that he can't take care of the guest's concern, at that point he won't prefer to visit your site once more. 

Likewise Google concentrates more on quality substance and gives them high level in web index. Notwithstanding, when Google positions a substance, it utilizes an assortment of positioning elements. Be that as it may, content quality is still significant.

In the event that you distribute inferior quality substance/slender substance on your site, at that point Google will diminish your site positioning. 

Many bad quality substance/meager substance drives your site towards search punishment. Basically, your substance won't be found in the internet searcher. 

2. Length of your substance 

Your substance length matters a ton in web crawlers. Long substance shows signs of improvement execution (positioned) and more traffic in web indexes than short substance. So consistently attempt to compose nitty gritty, high-caliber, protracted posts.

Be that as it may, remember a certain something, don't compose waste things in it to build your substance length. Since when the peruser will peruse your substance, he won't prefer to visit your site once more.

3. Catchphrase Research 

Catchphrase research is essential to build site traffic. This is the best advance in SEO. 

On the off chance that you distribute customary one of a kind and helpful article on your blog, however don't do Keyword Research for the article, at that point your webpage won't rank in Google query output and your website won't have the option to get Oragnic traffic.

4. Fix Your Site's Loading Speed 

On the off chance that your site takes more time to stack, at that point Google won't rank your site well in list items. The explanation is utilizing Google page speed as a positioning element. So you have to focus on it. 

Likewise, guests additionally don't care to visit the moderate stacking site. They promptly leave the moderate stacking site and don't visit that site once more. Because of the prompt leave, the site's ricochet rate builds, which is anything but something worth being thankful for according to Google. 

Quick stacking influences both site positioning and client experience and positions well in indexed lists.

What to do and what not to do if the smartphone gets wet in the rain

The blustery season is going on. It is coming down constantly in all aspects of the nation, despite the fact that individuals' work isn't halting even in this downpour. Individuals are moving out of homes for work. Commonly during the blustery season it happens that we get wet in the downpour and our telephone gets wet with it. Commonly it happens that the telephone inadvertently falls into the water. So how about we recognize what to do and what not to do if the cell phone gets wet in the downpour… 

In case of the telephone getting wet or falling into water, the main undertaking is that in the event that the telephone is on, at that point turn it off and don't attempt to press any fasten or turn the telephone on. Because of this, there will be no danger of short out in the telephone. 

On the off chance that you have an old telephone that has the office to expel the battery, at that point evacuate the telephone battery, memory card and SIM card easily. On the off chance that the telephone has a non-removable battery, at that point there will be a danger of short out. Presently dry the telephone under the fan or with a hair dryer. Wipe the water found in the telephone with a spotless material or paper napkin. 

On the off chance that there is no hair dryer, at that point place the telephone in dry rice, yet ensure that the rice doesn't run in the earphone jack. Leave the telephone to dry for at any rate 24 hours. This is the most productive and least demanding approach to dry a wet telephone. 

Presently turn the telephone out of rice and turn it on. On the off chance that the telephone isn't turned on, at that point put it in charging and on the off chance that there is any issue from that point forward, at that point go to a versatile mechanics shop. Or on the other hand go legitimately to the administration place.

Wednesday 19 August 2020

5 Best CPU RGB Cabinets in India : 2020 Reviews & Buying Guide

5 Best CPU RGB Cabinets in India

CHIPTRONEX MX2 RGB Mid Tower Cabinet USB 3.0 Tempered Glass RGB Fan Preinstalled

  • The MX2 RGB has a dedicated RGB control button on top for the front RGB strip to change 8 Different RGB color modes
  • It comes pre installed one 120mm automatic RGB fans on rear
  • Motherboard supports - ATX,Micro ATX and Mini ITX
  • It has 4mm thick edge to edge tempered glass on side panel which give the case a unique outlook and various options to show off your build inside
  • It has one USB3.0, two USB2.0, RGB control button and HD audio on top


The Chiptronex MX2 RGB mid tower cabinet comes with front and side spectrum strip bar and on rear automatic RGB fans pre - installed. It has 4mm thick edge to edge tempered glass on side panel which give the case a unique outlook and various options to show off your build has a psu closure and It supports 240 mm liquid radiator on front. It supports motherboard ATX/Micro -ATX/ Mini ATX. Max VGA Length is 365 mm and Max CPU Cooler Height is 156 mm

CHIPTRONEX MX1 RGB Mid Tower Cabinet USB 3.0 Tempered Glass RGB Fan Preinstalled


The Chiptronex MX1 RGB mid tower cabinet comes with front spectrum strip bar and on rear automatic RGB fans pre - installed. It has 5mm thick edge to edge tempered glass on side panel which give the case a unique outlook and various options to show off your build has a psu closure and It supports 240 mm liquid radiator on front. It supports motherboard ATX/Micro -ATX/ Mini ATX. Max VGA Length is 365 mm and Max CPU Cooler Height is 156 mm


The MX1 RGB will support two 3.5 HDD bays on the bottom of the case from backside with the help of the handy screws the Hard disk should be fixed. The hard disk should be fixed before fixing the power supply and the power supply will be fixed at the bottom


The MX1 RGB can support Maximum VGA card length is 365mm and Maximum CPU cooler height is 156 mm, the case support two 2.5 SSD on front

RGB Fan and RGB strip Connection

The Front RGB strip comes with sata connector so it can be directly connect with the PSU sata connector for power and Rear Automatic RGB fan black connector should be Connected Directly to the PSU molex connector

Ant Esports Ice cabinets (ICE-511MT)

  • Mesh Front Panel: The mesh front panel offers efficient airflow for demanding systems.
  • Sliding Tempered Glass Panel: Showcase your build and system lighting effect through sliding tampered glass side panel.
  • Auto-RGB Fans: Three 120mm Auto-RGB LED fans in front are pre-installed to create an amazing lighting effect, you can control the RGB lighting effects directly from the I/O panel
  • Excellent Thermal Performance : Optimized airflow due to the large intakes on the front panel; Additional ventilation on the top panel adds thermal support
  • Expanding The Possibilities: The spacious interior fits all standing motherboard E-ATX, ATX, Micro-ATX, Mini-ITX for your gaming need.
  • SSD Bracket :Mount extra SSD on the back side for more storage
  • Fan and Radiator Support: Front - Three 120mm or two 140mm fans and up to 360mm radiator

Tempered Glass Front & Tempered Swing Door Left Side Panel

Ant Esports ICE-511MT Mid Tower Mesh Gaming Computer Case Supports E-ATX, ATX, Micro-ATX, Mini-ITX Motherboard with Sliding Tempered Glass Side Panel, 3 x 120mm Auto-RGB Front & 1 x120mm Rear Fans Preinstalled

Note: Components inside the cabinet used for the illustration purpose only, For detailed information refer to the product specifications.

Fully Optimized Airflow

Fan and Radiator Support: Front: Three 120mm or two 140mm fans and up to a 360mm radiator; Top: Two 120mm or two 140mm fans. Rear: One 120mm fan All to ensure you don’t have to compromise on performance.

Note: Components inside the cabinet used for the illustration purpose only, For detailed information refer to the product specifications.

Chiptronex HX2000 RGB Mid Tower ATX Cabinet with 2 x 120 mm ARGB Fans,Dual ARGB Strip, MB Sync, 1 x 120mm ARGB Fan, Supports ATX, Micro-ATX, Mini-ITX Motherboard with Tempered Glass Side Panel

  • The case comes with two 120mm ARGB fans and ARGB strip on front and one 120mm ARGB fan on rear
  • The RGB color modes on fans and strip can be controlled by 3 pin RGB header with motherboard software and with dedicated RGB control button on top
  • It has 4mm thick edge to edge tempered glass on side panel which give the case a unique outlook and various options to show off your build inside.
  • Motherboard support ATX,Micro ATX and Mini ITX
  • It has one USB3.0, two USB2.0, RGB control button and HD audio on top


The Chiptronex HX2000 mid tower cabinet with the preinstalled 2 x 120mm RGB fans on front and 1 x 120mm argb fan on rear with dual argb stip on front that give a unique look and The high quality tempered glass side panel that gives it a even more satisfying and gaming looks. The RGB fans can be controlled by dedicated RGB control button on top, The I/O Ports are conveniently located at the top of the case, giving the user easier access and with an all-black interior With safety in mind, it supports 2 x 3.5 HDD and 2 X 2.5 SSD bays and comes with two USB 2.0 and one USB 3.0.


The HX2000 will support two 3.5 HDD bays on the bottom of the case from backside with the help of the handy screws the hard disk should be fixed. The hard disk should be fixed before fixing the power supply and the power supply should be fixed securely at the bottom of the case


The HX2000 can support Maximum VGA card length is 350mm and Maximum CPU cooler height is 162 mm, the case support two 2.5 SSD on side


The case comes with two 120mm ARGB fans and dual ARGB strip on front and one 120mm ARGB fan on rear, the RGB modes can be controlled by using RGB control button on the top of the case.

It has 1 x USB 3.0, 2 x USB 2.0, Audio In/Out, Reset button and Fan RGB Control,

Power button
Hd audio
Usb 2.0
Usb 2.0
Usb 3.0

Corsair Carbide SPEC-05 Mid-Tower Gaming Case - Black

  • Minimalist exterior design with an edge-to-edge tinted side panel window
  • Room for up to five 120mm fans with one 120mm front fan pre-installed
  • Expansive storage space with mounts for up to three hdd's and two ssd's
  • Clean, front panel with high-speed usb 3.0 port
  • Cable routing cutouts and tie downs keep your build looking clean and uncluttered
  • Country of Origin: China

Product description

The corsair carbide series spec-05 is a mid tower atx case gaming case that combines a stylish and distinctive exterior with excellent cooling potential and a straightforward layout. The stunning edge-to-edge window shows off your build and spec-05’s roomy interior, able to fit up to five 120mm fans, multiple graphics cards and plentiful storage options. Removable dust filters work to keep your pc clean as the spec-05’s styling, while dedicated cable routing cutouts and tie downs make building a great-looking system easy. With subtle design and a straightforward layout, spec-05 makes your pc simple to build, with distinctive style

Friday 7 August 2020

You Tube thumbnail kaise Lgaye 2020

You Tube thumbnail kaise Lgaye 2020 

You Tube Thumbnail kaise Lgaye.-नमस्कार दोस्तों आज हम जानेगे youtube thumbnail को अपने यूट्यूब वीडियो में कैसे लगाते है ज्यादातर नए यूटूबर वीडियो अपलोड तो कर देते है लकिन thumbnail कैसे लगाते है वो उनको नहीं पता है आज हम आपको पूरा जानकारी देंगे 

Youtube Account ko verify Kaise Kre

सबसे पहले आपने youtube पर वीडियो डाल दिया अब आपको उसमे थोड़ी सेटिंग करनी पड़ेगी आप कंप्यूटर उसे करते है तो आप अपने google crome में यूट्यूब को खोले और मोबाइल यूजर अपने मोबाइल में crome  बराउजऱ खोले और उसको डेस्कटॉप मोड़ को ऑन कर दे 

आपको ऊपर दिए गए इमेज में ऐसा आपको नजर आएगा अब आपको youtube studio में जाना है और सबसे निचे चले जाये और आपको इमेज में ऊपर दिख रहा होगा ऐसा setting दिखेगा उस पर क्लिक करे 

अब आपके सामने सेटिंग पेज खुला है उसमे आप चैनल में क्लिक करे और उसमे आपको लास्ट वाला ऑप्शन दिखेगा Feature Eligibility उसमे आपको जाना है गए आप अब उसमे अब आपको क्या दिख रहा है जैसा इमेज में निसे दिया हुआ है वैसा दिख रहा होगा अब आप Features that require phone verification को अपने मोबाइल नंबर डाल कर जो आपके मोबाइल में मेसेज आएगा वो कोड डाल कर अपना अकाउंट वेरीफाई  कर ले 

Youtube Thumbnail kaise Lagaye.?

सबसे पहले आपको अपने Youtube अकाउंट में लॉगिन करना है अब my चैनल के वीडियो मैनेजर में जाये अब आपके आगे वीडियो में जितने भी वीडियो आपने अपलोड किये है उसकी लिस्ट आएगी अब आपको जिस वीडियो में youtube thumbnail लगाना है उस वीडियो को सेलेक्ट कर ले अब आप उस वीडियो के edit में जाये अब आपके सामने एक पेज खुलेगा जैसा निसे दिया हुआ है 

अब आपको अपने वीडियो में thumbnail लगाना है तो Thumbnail वाले ऑप्शन पर क्लिक करे जैसे ही आप उस पर क्लिक करेंगे आपको सीधा अपने मोबाइल गैलेरी या कंप्यूटर के इमेज में ले जायेगा अब आपको अपना Thumbnail सेलेक्ट करना है जो आपने बनाया होगा सेल्क्ट कर लीजिये 

अब आपने अपना थंबनेल सलेक्ट कर दिया और अब आप सेव वाले ऑप्शन पर क्लिक कर दीजिये अब आप अपने यूट्यूब apps में जाकर अपने थंबनेल को चेक कर सकते है 

दोस्तों कैसी लगी हमारी पोस्ट Post अच्छी लगी होतो शेयर जरूर करे और आपको कुस समज  में नहीं आया होतो कमेंट करके जरूर बताये

Thursday 6 August 2020

Makeup Fiber Brush Kit with Storage Box

ICABLE Complete Makeup Synthetic Fiber Brush Kit with Storage Box (Golden) - Set of 12 Pcs


PROFESSIONAL KABUKI MAKEUP BRUSHES: Icable Cosmetic brush kit consists of 12 Pieces different functional makeup brushes. The set includes eye shadow brush, foundation brush, eyeliner brush, powder blush brush, lip brush, concealer brush, eyebrow brush for daily use.PREMIUM SYNTHETIC MAKEUP BRUSHES: Icable Makeup Brushes with high density hairs, easy to maintain, Perfect makeup brushes for liquids, powders, or creams use. Don't shed, Show your natural beauty, leave perfect and flawless make-up

make up brushes

HIGHLY SAFE: Icable Makeup brushes are anti-bacterial and have went through a professional rinse with nontoxic chemicals, no chemical smell. Suit for both normal and sensitive skin.

APPLICABLE OBJECT: Icable Premium Synthetic Kabuki Makeup Brush Set is perfect for beginners, professional makeup artist and DIY users. Lightweight, easy to carry, whether you are traveling, party or shopping, it's very convenient for you.

12 PCS Makeup brushes set include:
Blush brush & Shadow brush
Liquid foundation brush & Brightening brush
Small shadow brush & Nasal brush
Eye shadow brush & Lip brush
Small eye shadow brush & Eyebrow brush
Lower shadow brush & Small foundation brush

Steps to clean makeup brushes:

Run the bristles under lukewarm water. Don't use hot water,as the heat may damage the bristles.
Pour some baby shampoo to the water. Add 1 teaspoon of baby shampoo into the cup and still gently to combine.If you don't have baby shampoo, use liquid Castile soap instead.
Dip the brush into the mixture and swirl. Only the bottom half of your brushes' bristles should be swirled in the mixture to avoid water traveling up the handle.
Rinse the bristles under lukewarm water.Reshape them, let the brush air dry, then fluff it with your fingers

Flend professional makeup brushes provides assortment of makeup brushes - kabuki brush, foundation brush & eyeshadow brushes; lip Liner,blush & power brushes.

Icable makeup brushes handles are made of high-quality wood, about 10-15 cm long, comfortable to use.

Highest quality material, high density bristle, high quality synthetic fiber hair, show your natural beauty, leave perfect and flawless make-up,Don't SHED.

Professional cosmetic brush set, an essential tool for big professionals and DIY users. Soft, dense and silky- a luxurious makeup application experience for the face, blush,eyes,etc.

Home Salon Kit with Gift Pack Makeup Pouch

Adbeni All In One Daily Uses Beauty Pack Home Salon Kit with Gift Pack Makeup Pouch GC-929

  • 1pc Foundation, 1pc Kajal, 1pc Stick Sindoor, 1pc Lipstick, 1pc Velvet Matte N.P, 2pc Nail Art, 1pc Nail Remover 32pads, 1pc 10 Color Eyeshadow, 1pc Eyeliner, 1pc Mascara, 1pc Nail Filier, 1pc Eyebrow Plucker, 1pc Eye & Lipliner pencil, 1pc Bindi, 1pc Eyelashes, 1pc Cold Cream, 1pc 3 Color Blush, 1pc Compact Powder, 1pc Gift Pack Makeup Pouch
  • Foundation:30ml, Kajal:3.5g, Stick Sindoor:3.5g, Lipstick:4.5g, Velvet Matte N.P:10ml, Nail Art:10ml, Eyeshadow:13g, Eyeliner: 9g, Mascara:9g, Eye & Lipliner pencil: 1.2g, Cold Cream:15g, Blush: 35g, Compact Powder: 35g,
  • Foundation:Liquid, Kajal:Stick, Sindoor:Stick Lipstick:Stick, N.P:Liquid, Nail Art:Liquid, Nail Remover:Paper, Eyeshadow:Pressed Powder, Eyeliner:Liquid, Mascara:Liquid, Eye & Lipliner pencil:Stick, Eyelashes:Syenthetic, Cold Cream:Cream, Blush:Pressed Powder, Compact Powder:Pressed Powder, Makeup Pouch:Fabric
  • Foundation: Natural, Kajal: Black, Sindoor: Red, Lipstick: Maroon, N.P: Maroon, Nail Art: White, Black, Eyeshadow: Multicolor, Eyeliner: Black, Mascara: Black, Compact: Natural, Blusher: Pink, Lip Pencil: Red
  • Compact: It can used multiple times in a day to touch-up your makeup. Pressed powder: Travel-friendly. The coverage can range from light to medium. Eyeshadow: